The Stafford Department of Planning and Zoning provides guidance to the Stafford Board of Supervisors and appointed boards and commissions in developing the vision of Stafford County. This guidance ensures future orderly development and economic growth that is reflective of the community’s desires and needs. Planning and Zoning is the lead agency in the administration of the Comprehensive Plan and its detailed elements. The Comprehensive Plan is the guiding document that shapes the future direction of the County and is often the basis on which zoning decisions are made. Planning staff also reviews development proposals for compliance with the community’s standards in coordination with developers, engineers, and state and federal agencies.
The Stafford County Zoning Division administers, maintains, and enforces the Zoning Ordinance and related regulations to assure that property is developed and used in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Zoning determinations and verifications can be provided via written request to:
Zoning Verification
Department of Planning and Zoning
P.O. Box 339
Stafford, VA 22555
The current Stafford County Zoning map is provided above. If you need clarification on how a property is currently zoned, permitted uses on a given site, or help in rezoning property, please contact the Stafford County Planning and Zoning Department for assistance at (540) 658-8668.